Stated Meeting – Sept. 8th, 2022

Mt. Hood Lodge No. 32 met on September 8th at the Barberton Grange for our Stated Communication on the 1st Degree. O.E.S. Henry Wentworth provided a delicious meal of Swiss steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, and salad. $155 dollars was collected for our Random Act of Kindness (RAK) fund, which was allocated during the meeting. During dinner, attendees enjoyed a presentation focused on harmony and bringing people together.

Initially, we discussed early experiments looking for harmony in nature done by Pythagoras using hammers and strings and how these teachings passed through the generations to inspire other disciplines such as Arithmetic (harmony in numbers) and Music (harmony in numbers in time). We then briefly highlighted a few Masonic musicians before singing a round of “Row, row, row your boat”. After which, we watched a video highlighting the deeper meaning of the song and discussed potential parallels with Freemasonry. Finally, we discussed a fresco by artist Raphael (not the turtle) titled “The School of Athens” which included several philosophers of antiquity, including Pythagoras who was discussed during the presentation.

After the meal, the Brothers headed to the Lodge room where a few enhancements were found. Purchases from our Lodge Investment Plan included a large PA system with multiple microphones and several pieces of artwork including a copy of “A freemason forged through the tools of his lodge” and a four-foot-tall poster of “The School of Athens”. A special thank you to Br. Connor for sanding and painting the Steward’s and Deacon’s rods over the summer. Their bright colors helped to emphasize the excellent floorwork provided by our Deacons, Br. Jerramie. and Br. Sage. In all, the scene was set for the enjoyable meeting to follow.

After a rap of the gavel and opening, the poem “Fall Reunion” was recited before proceeding to several introductions of visitors. Br. Kenny, from the MWPHGL of Missouri, was introduced in the East and given public grand honors. WB Clayborne, Worshipful Master of Beaver Lodge No. 3, was introduced in the East and gave details about Beaver Lodge’s recent school backpack program that saw 100 backpacks given to youth free of charge. Introductions were completed with VW Ric B. being introduced for the first time as the new Deputy for District 19. Our visiting Brothers received a warm welcome before proceeding to the first order of business, balloting on Mr. Justin G. for the Degrees of Masonry. The vote was Bright in the East, however celebration of the vote was muted as Mr. Justin was waiting outside of Lodge for the result. Br. Tim H. was sent out of the Lodge to present Mr. Justin with a scroll notifying him of the Lodge’s decision. We look forward to his upcoming initiation and introduction into our ancient and honorable fraternity!

Attention quickly turned to Lodge business, as several items were on the docket to be discussed. As per direction from Grand Lodge, a letter from MW Edward Woods was read which highlighted expectations for Lodge Officer elections and encouraged those Lodges still holding meetings virtually to meet in person. (The full letter is available on Grandview.) The Treasurer’s report included normal expenses and recent Lodge Investment purchases. After, we opened the floor for Brothers to share Joy, Sickness, and Distress. Several Brothers shared events happening in their life invoking feelings of happiness and compassion.

Brother Virgil M. was recognized for his 70 years of membership in our Fraternity. His son, Brother Vance, was in attendance to accept the award on his behalf. VW Ric, Deputy to District 19, and VW Ron, Deputy to District 18, presented his 70-year membership pin and certificate along with congratulations from MW Brother Edward Woods. Expressions of gratitude were followed by public grand honors.

Proficiency reports were then given. Br. David H. has made excellent progress on his 2nd Degree catechism after only being Passed to the Fellowcraft Degree two weeks ago. Brother Will C. is prepared to give his posting lecture and plans are being made to confer the Sublime Degree. Br. Connor is making great progress on the MM posting lecture and did an excellent job sitting as Treasurer for our opening. Br. Jerramie, having been proved up in committee during the summer break, was presented with a signed certificate of proficiency from the Lodge. And, in acknowledgment of his enthusiasm for the craft, was presented with the RAK funds from that evening. Early comments suggest he will be using the funds to support a struggling college student, but we look forward to his full report at our next meeting.

Old Business included several items that have been worked on over the summer break. Our By-Laws changes have been signed by the Grand Master; annual membership dues are now $150 and $650 to petition for the Degrees of Masonry. Conversations with the Clark County Museum have been going well, and we will soon be taking high-resolution photos of several Lodge Minutes books going as far back as 1779. The recent District Camping Trip was discussed. Kudos were given to VW Dave E. and WB Will for winning the three-legged race, outperforming many sluggish youngsters! Details about the Stonehenge Fellowcraft conferral were also discussed. Notice of our Installation on the 22nd was announced, as well as the upcoming 7 Masters Table Lodge in December. Finally, progress towards completion of our Lodge Investment Plan was detailed, including purchases of artwork for the Lodge room and audio equipment.

New Business included assigning a Lodge Audit Committee. VW Dave E., WB John T., and Br. Connor G. will be reviewing the books and reporting back to the Lodge. New proficiency expectations were outlined. Typically, in order to advance to the next degree, a Brother must simply present their posting lecture. However, the Lodge has decided to increase the scope of proficiency, including more training and fostering a better understanding of the fundamentals of our Craft before advancing. Sources will include the New Candidate Education Program, historical lectures on Masonic philosophy, and current interpretations of the working tools. These enhancements were discussed with current Brothers and men looking into the Fraternity, and the feedback was highly positive.

Good of the order included a brief discussion regarding many of the upcoming events outlined in the calendar. Of note is our upcoming Installation on the 22nd, and our 5th Thursday Fun Day. We then had a brief discussion regarding an event that happened on social media. There had been a Masonic group online who, after loosening restrictions on who was allowed in, created some contention which eventually caused the group to disband. A lively discussion in Lodge then ensued, finding Brothers on both sides of the issue. However, the contention that existed online was unable to find solid footing with our band of Brothers, as our Lodge was cheerfully closed at 9 PM, peace and harmony prevailing.